Gratitude and manifestation

For everyone who wants to express his or her gratitude, it is of course very beautiful that you have so much to be grateful for. And it is very beautiful that you realize that you have enough to be grateful for. Gratitude allows you to count your blessings. It gives you a sense that you have enough, and how much you have. Without looking at your desires and/or shortages. Something we all too often do is look at what we desire and what we don’t have yet. But in fact you already have everything and what you don’t have, will come to you at the right time. You can trust that. Sometimes there are certain lessons that can be learned, lessons that help you to appreciate certain things. Sometimes it is a habit to always want everything and to think in shortages, that gratitude for even the small things is forgotten. We can be grateful every day for what we have in our lives, because every day is a blessing. Every day that you are not alone, or the days that you just have to do it alone, which will make you stronger. Every day grateful for a roof over your head, and the food you can eat. Every day grateful for the love you can and may receive from animals, friends, family and especially yourself. Because you should always be allowed to come first. Every day grateful for all the small blessings, such as the rising sun, the fact that you are healthy, that you have eyes to see everything, have ears to hear everything. That you have all your senses that make your life more beautiful. Thankful that you do everything so well and have arranged well, in a world that expects the most from you. Thankful that you have been able to learn so many lessons and still able to learn. Grateful for the path you walk that has brought you so much adventure. And so I can go on and on. But you can be grateful every day, if you just think about it every day.


My gratitude


I am grateful for my path, which has given me much wisdom and development. I am grateful for the strength I have received through all my heavy lessons. The heavy lessons that I have learned, and can pass on again. I am grateful for all the dear people who have come on my path and are yet to come. I am grateful for the beautiful times, of love, joy and pleasure. But I am also grateful for the tears I left, who helped me to heal. I am grateful for all the opportunities that I have received and continue to receive. I am grateful for the nice cooperation with various parties that helped me in my development. I am grateful for everything and everyone who has passed my life and has taught me all the lessons. Who has brought my life so much joy and love. I am grateful for my friends and family, who have shined the light on the pieces that I still needed to heal. I am grateful for the chance that I have all this time being alone, who has brought me self-love and self-knowledge. I am grateful that I have learned to trust and build on myself. I am grateful for my talents and creativity. I am grateful for all the trust I have received from all people who have come into my life. I am grateful for all positivity and love. I am grateful for all the blessings and that I have everything my heart desires, and also for everything that I do not yet have, which ensures that I will continue to achieve my goals.


Next year will be a year to …


More loving relationships, even more quality time with myself and others. More love, joy, happiness and success. More collaborations and even more adventure. More traveling, inner and outer. More following my heart in all confidence. More confidence in the process and how everything unfolds. More inner strength, but from softness and vulnerability. To open my heart even more, because I also deserve to experience true love. Being more my authentic self. More self-confidence and to show and shine myself. More of showing my light. More self-esteem and what I want to stand for. To be able to give and receive more love. Receive more learning in love, so giving and receiving will be in balance. More wisdom, honesty and openness. A better health, with more movement. And more finding my physical balance and achieving my goals. Letting go more of what no longer serves me. More steps out of my comfort zone. More sun and more traveling full of adventure and fun. More healing for myself and the people I can help. More prosperity and abundance for me and everyone. More peace and love on earth. More harvesting and more wonder. More harmony and balance for myself and the world. More awareness and spiritual growth. More people I can and have the opportunity to help. Develop more talents. More dept and more insight and personal development. More inspiration, from which I can create more and inspire other people. More creativity for myself and inspiration for others. More drive and courage. Even more spontaneity and cheerfulness. And last but not least a carefree life.




Love D

P.s. Everyone can also take this message and take out what is applicable and make it their own. Energetically broadcast, so that you also become a reality. Everything works energetically and will also integrate with you if it resonates. So feel free to share so that you too can manifest reality to a beautiful new year and the years that are yet to come. In love and light!
